Objective: The study evaluated the tolerability and efficacy of a new presented treatment for acne. The product is a topical gel consisting of 2% SA, which is also enriched in botanicals that have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.
Design: The study was designed as a single-site, randomized, investigator-blinded, split-face 10-day study.
Setting: Subjects enrolled with a minimum of 2 inflammatory papular acne lesions and 2 non-inflammatory open or closed comedones on both sides of the face in symmetrical locations, to the greatest degree possible. One side of each subject’s face was randomly selected to receive the study treatment product.
Participants: 25 subjects, 15 females and 10 males, ages 12 to 43 years, suffering from mild to moderate acne.
Results: The observed difference between the treatment and the control group increased between day 1 and day 2 and reached an average of 15% to 20% with small varieties between the parameters and stayed similar across the remaining visits. Statistically, significance (P<0.005) was achieved for all inflammatory and non-inflammatory tested parameters.
Conclusion: This study was performed to determine the safety, efficacy, and ease of use of a botanical acne treatment gel in providing a reduction in inflammatory acne lesion erythema, elevation, and induration. Erythema and elevation were the most influential parameters in inflammatory lesion with improvement noted after 2 days of application.
Summary: This study was performed to determine the safety, efficacy, and ease of use of a botanical acne treatment gel in providing a reduction in inflammatory acne lesion erythema, elevation, and induration. Erythema and elevation were the most influential parameters in inflammatory lesion with improvement noted after 2 days of application.
Acne is a common dermatologic condition occurring in more than 80% of adolescents age 13 to 18 years with varying severity. Acne prevalence is increasing in young adults older than 25 years, specifically women.